Friday, May 7, 2010

Iowa Core Update

The Heartland Iowa Core team received clarification and answers to several questions that were raised during the April Leadership for the Iowa Core training sessions. For more information, contact Linda Biermann Hoobin,

1. The first response is related to questions about fields that were proposed to be added to the EdInfo site for implementation plan submission. Only one new field will be added this year. It will be “Evidence of Progress.” Page 55 of the Iowa Core Self-Study and Implementation Plan handbook provides the definition of evidence of progress. It states, “Describe what evidence will be used to show progress related to the outcome and related targets/actions. Depending on the outcome and the desired results, the evidence will be gathered and organized at the district, building, and/or classroom level. This evidence will be an extension of the data considered when the Self-Study was conducted and should expand on what is already known about the district in relation to the outcome(s) and related target/actions. It is important that there is continuity between outcomes, targets/actions and the data used to establish priorities and the evidence that is used to effectively chart progress and make appropriate adjustments to the work. The original evidence serves as the basis for monitoring the progress of the Implementation Plan as the activities are conducted. Evidence may include a combination of student data, data related to staff engagement and implementation, documents and artifacts demonstrating parent involvement and/or community involvement. If nothing will be initiated in the way of planning and/or implementation for an outcome until sometime after July 1, 2010, include a statement to that effect and refer to the target date for startup.” The Evidence of Progress field is slated to be added to EdInfo by May 1, 2010. The state network team will discuss “indicators of success” during the 2010-11 school year.

2. From the state network team, a response to a question about specially accredited schools. “Specially accredited” schools (those that do not have to do a CSIP or an APR) do not have to complete an implementation plan.

3. Iowa Core teams across the state have been asked to encourage districts not to use the term “ongoing” in their implementation plans; instead, consider using benchmarks in the timeline.

4. New information: Please delete the word “curriculum” and only use “Iowa Core”. A new logo has been developed.

5. Registration is still open for Heartland’s AEA 11 Summer Institute for Effective Instruction to be held at Johnston High School, June 15-17, 2010. The Institute will focus on actions from outcome 6 of the Iowa Core, including developing and sustaining collaborative teams and exploring the characteristics of effective instruction as identified in the Iowa Core. Register on the Heartland Professional Development Catalog on our website at Enter activity number IS013932311101 in the correct field.