Friday, April 10, 2009

Heartland AEA's World of Media

Make sure to take a look at Heartland AEA's April edition of the World of Media newsletter which included some technology and 21st century research and reports. You will find full articles of the below summaries and more at

The annual SpeakUp survey from Project Tomorrow shows that students feel restricted using technology when they enter school and suggests that this signals weakness in U.S. global competition. Survey results are linked and highlights from the survey are summarized.

The Horizon Report 2009 was released in March. It identifies six emerging technologies that will have a huge impact on education in the next 1-5 years: collaborative environments, online communication tools, mobile devices, cloud computing, "smart" objects and the personal web.

Check out Web sites that explore how cell phones can be used in the classroom. Different areas of usage include simple text messaging voting, GoogleText, audio blogs, real-time sharing of audio and video, etc.

See demonstration and lecture videos posted online by an
Urbandale High School chemistry and physics teacher.

YouTubeEDU includes special channels for university and college lectures and demonstrations--similar to what Urbandale High School is doing.