Friday, May 1, 2009

Be Prepared for the H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu)

The Iowa Department of Education will be providing updates and revised guidance about the Novel Influenza (H1N1) Virus (Swine Flu) on their Web site:

Included in their updates will be action steps and resources available for schools. They will also be providing an FAQ for education-specific information (e.g., If I close one building, do we need to make up that school day?). Due to the rapidly changing status of H1N1, guidance will be updated as it becomes available. It is recommended that you check the Web site frequently.

You can also visit this Web site from the National School Public Relations Association. It provides more information on how to communicate about the H1N1 virus to school staff and to parents. Visit to find examples of how schools around the country are communicating about the virus.

Also visit to download posters from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about hand washing and proper hygiene.