Friday, May 15, 2009

MATH-in-CTE Professional Development Opportunity

The Iowa Department of Education is again committing funds to support the Math-in-CTE initiative for the 2009-2010 year. The goal of the MATH-in-CTE professional development is to provide career and technical education (CTE) teachers with a means of enhancing the mathematics already present in their occupational curriculum. The eight days of professional development will guide teachers in developing real-world applications of mathematics instruction in authentic contexts.

Funding will be available for up to three secondary schools in the Heartland region to cover the costs of a school’s team (designated CTE teacher and a mathematics teacher) for summer stipends, cost of substitutes and travel expenses. If more than three Heartland region schools register, we will form a selection committee to work with the DE for possible selection criteria and/or additional funding. Informational brochures can be downloaded here and here, and the registration form can be downloaded here.

For questions or more information, contact Kim Thuente at (800) 255–0405, ext. 14372 or