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Webinar: Strengthening School Improvement by Developing a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports to Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching
Date: October 29, 2009 Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT
Drs. Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor (educators, researchers and national leaders from UCLA) will talk about why a system of learning supports is imperative for schools to succeed and what forward-thinking states and districts are doing to implement such systems in order to do the following:
- Reduce student dropout rates
- Reduce teacher dropout rates
- Narrow achievement gaps
- Re-engage students in classroom learning
- Eliminate the ““plateau effect”” related to student achievement
- Support schools in crisis
Collaborative: School Improvement Opportunity to Develop Comprehensive Systems of Learning Supports
This collaborative is an effort aimed at expanding leaders’ knowledge, capacity and implementation of comprehensive systems of learning supports. This effort supports AASA’s flagship initiative, Educating the Total Child, which is aimed at advocating for an education approach designed to affect real change by addressing key factors that determine children’s academic achievement.
There will only be four districts selected throughout the nation to participate in the collaborative. They will be provided with valuable supports to help them move forward toward developing comprehensive systems of learning supports that are integrated into school improvement planning and implementation that involves the following:
- Building understanding about comprehensive systems of learning supports and how such systems transform public education
- Creating policy and practice framework documents that can be shared among critical stakeholder groups
- Working to design and implement learning support system
For more information on the project, please feel free to contact Dr. MaryAnn Jobe at or Cyndy Erickson at