Friday, October 30, 2009

"Differentiation: From Planning to Practice" with Rick Wormeli

Join Rick Wormeli for a, “how-to” and “why-we-do-it” workshop for those just getting their feet wet with differentiated instruction or for those already swimming who want more ideas. This seminar will bust differentiation myths and provide dozens of practical, "use-the-next-day" tips for making differentiation work. Wormeli will provide sound instructional ideas on tiering, anchor activities, scaffolding, flexible grouping, attention moves, respectful tasks, compacting curriculum, practical cognitive science applications, classroom management, as well as suggestions for meeting the needs of all students. During the afternoon portion of the seminar, Wormeli will carefully move through each step in the process of creating a differentiated lesson from scratch.

About Rick Wormeli: One of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America, Rick brings innovation, energy, validity and high standards to both his presentations, and his instructional practice, which includes more than twenty-five years teaching math, science, English, physical education, health, history and coaching teachers. With his substantive presentations, sense of humor and unconventional approaches, he’s been asked to present to teachers and administrators in all 50 states, Canada, China, Europe, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Australia, the Middle East and even the White House.

You can register through the Heartland Professional Development catalog at

Crafting the Art of Differentiation with Rick Wormeli

Date: January 7, 2010

Time: 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Location: Airport Holiday Inn
Cost: $60.00 (lunch will be provided)

Activity Number: AS004899991001