Friday, January 29, 2010

Child Nutrition Support Provided by Martin Brothers

Over the last year, you may have heard that the legislature amended the Iowa Code to include the following language:
“The board of an area education agency or a consortium of two or more area education agencies shall contract with one or more licensed dietitians for the support of nutritional provisions in individual education plans developed in accordance with chapter 256B and to provide information to support school nutrition coordinators.”
There has been some confusion in recent weeks that each AEA had hired a dietician, and that schools could contact these individuals for nutritional information. The AEAs did not hire dieticians, rather the AEA system contracted with Martin Brothers (which serves as the Iowa Educators Consortium’s main food service vendor) for their dieticians to provide nutritional support to schools.

If your school has a general nutritional request, you may call Martin Brothers at 1-800-847-2404 and ask for Mary Sell or Renee Steffens.