Friday, October 14, 2011

Exit Code Clarification and Procedures Manual Language

Two exit codes, RRT and RRC, communicate that a student has returned to general education in Iowa. These codes have been rewritten for clarification.

RRT: Returned to Iowa general education, either within or outside of AEA, Iowa IEP inactivated; student remains eligible for special education.

RRC: Returned to Iowa general education, either within or outside of AEA, Iowa IEP completed or parent revoked consent for services; student no longer eligible for special education.

There are two circumstances when a student is no longer eligible for special education upon the return to general education; 1) when an IEP team has determined that a student is no longer eligible (“Iowa IEP completed”) or 2) when a parent or age of majority student revokes consent for services. In all other circumstances, students who return to general education retain special education eligibility.

When code definitions were changed in the Web IEP, the IMS and the Documentation Guide, the Procedures Manual language on page 173 was not revised to reflect the code change. As of March 1, 2011, the correct code for revocation of consent for services is “RRC.”

The Document Revocation of Consentjavascript:void(0) of Service, on page 173 of the Procedures Manual should read as the following:
“When it is determined that a student should be exited from special education due to the revocation of consent for services, the student is removed from the roster and the Exit form is completed using the appropriate exit code (RRC) for IMS.”
The full document with this information can be found on the Iowa IDEA website at labeled Errata: Return to General Education Exit Code for Revocation of Consent – Posted September 2011.

If you have questions, please contact the Heartland AEA Regional Director that serves your district.

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