Friday, August 17, 2012

Reminder: Users of Online Training Encouraged to Log In During Non-Peak Times

This year we have had a 125% increase in the number of users taking trainings on the statewide online training system. Unfortunately, this unexpected increase in usage has put a strain on our system and led to a frustrating user experience for district employees as the server is slow to respond. On Monday evening, we made some changes on the system to help with the issue, but the user experience has still been very slow. 

We have set a limit on the number of concurrent users to 100. For those who are logged in, the system will then run at a regular pace. However, once the limit has been met, users attempting to log in will see a screen informing them of the limit. We encourage users to complete trainings during non-peak times such as in the evening or weekends. Traditionally, the number of participants tapers off in two weeks (week of August 27), which would then be an easier time to log in and complete the trainings. 

Districts that have planned on having their entire staff complete the trainings together during beginning-of-the-year in-service dates are encouraged to make alternative options available to their staff. 

We thank you for your patience.

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