Friday, December 19, 2014

Data collection for Smarter Balanced Readiness Coming in January

This message has been sent to superintendents and tech directors, but is being reposted as an added measure.

Dear Technology Directors, Curriculum Directors and School Administrators:

As you may know, the Iowa Assessment Task Force is finishing up its legislatively mandated work and voted recently to recommend to the Legislature that the state implement the Smarter Balanced Assessment suite as our state assessment starting with the 2016-17 school year.  It’s unclear what action the Legislature may take based on the recommendation, but we understand there are questions about how ready Iowa schools will be to give an online assessment. This is an important question for Iowa to consider at this time because most states are moving to online testing programs. To this end, the Department, in collaboration with the AEAs, will conduct a brief survey of school districts to help Iowa answer this question. The survey will be sent to you in early January.

Please work within your districts to determine who will be responsible for collecting the information to ensure the information can be collected in a timely manner once the survey is sent. Thank you in advance for your help with this important information collection.

Dave Tilly and Lisa Wilson

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