Friday, September 6, 2024

Network, Learn, Collaborate: Behavior Support Community of Practice Returns!

The Behavior Support Community of Practice (CoP) will be continuing in the 2024-25 school year! This CoP is an opportunity for district staff who serve in the role of behavior interventionist, behavior coach, behavior strategist, etc., to network, share in learning and collaborate with individuals who hold similar roles.

Activities & Support
Participants will engage in shared learning, as well as sharing practice in the following areas:
  • MTSS for social, emotional & behavioral health
  • Screening & early warning systems
  • Responding to data
  • Chronic absenteeism
  • Restorative practices
  • Effective strategies for transitioning between programs
  • Tier 1 indicators of effective culture & climate
  • Therapeutic classrooms & approaches
  • Optional book study

  • Oct. 3, 2024
  • Dec. 9, 2024
  • Jan. 23, 2025
  • Feb. 24, 2025
  • April 10, 2025
  • May 15, 2025
Structure of Each Day
  • Morning session (9:00 a.m.-noon) focused on content and shared learning
  • Afternoon session (1:00-3:30 p.m.) differentiated based on participants’ needs (networking/collaboration/optional book study)
Registration information will be forthcoming. In the interim, we ask that you complete this interest form by Sept. 6, 2024, if you would like to participate in the 2024-25 CoP. Once the registration link is available, it will be shared.

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