Friday, March 20, 2009

Help Spread the Word, "Iowa's AEAs....Impacting Lives"

Heartland and Iowa's Area Education Agencies ask for your help in spreading our “Iowa’s AEAs …. Impacting Lives” campaign to further awareness and understanding about Iowa AEA services. We feel that one of the best ways to reach our stakeholders is to campaign through our schools. If you are willing, we would greatly appreciate the addition of the following tag lines in your school, parent and/or staff newsletters and a link to the Iowa AEA Web site,, on your school district's Web site. If you have questions, please contact the Heartland Communications department,

Classrooms aren’t places of learning by accident. Dedicated teachers provide nurturing environments where high levels of learning take place. But who supports teachers? Who provides professional development and on-going support? Area Education Agencies.

When teachers succeed, students achieve. Contact your Area Education Agency for support and assistance.

Area Education Agency consultants provide strategic professional development opportunities for teachers; curriculum consultants provide resources and classroom strategies; media specialists recommend and provide materials to support lesson planning; specialists provide effective assessments and special education teams identify and support youngsters with special needs.

When teachers succeed, students achieve. Contact your Area Education Agency for support and assistance.

No two children are alike. Some race through life at top speed, some are thoughtful and inquisitive and some require help for basic learning and physical skills. Area Education Agencies support and impact the lives of all children in our education system. For more information about your Area Education Agency, go to