Friday, March 6, 2009

Iowa Educators Consortium Statewide Online Database Trials

The Iowa Educators Consortium (IEC) statewide online database trials will run March 1 through April 15. Teachers are encouraged to build lessons and use these trial resources during this time. A three page handout of the databases, which can be copied and forwarded to staff, is available from the school teacher librarian. AP, social studies, debate, science and gifted/talented teachers will be especially interested in these free resources!

Heartland is interested in knowing which databases should be considered for purchase in the 2009-2010 school year. Teacher librarians are asked to talk with staff and forward recommendations for purchase to Heartland. If there is enough interest and need, Heartland will consider purchasing the database(s) for all schools in the service area.

Log-in information is in the handout and below:
User ID: iec2009

Password: iowalibrary

Note: Heartland already subscribes to BookFLIX, netTrekker and Rosen Teen Health and Wellness. Those databases are listed on the IEC Web site but are not included on the three page handout.