Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Use Com Cat at Heartland?

Students think that finding information should be as easy as doing a Google search. A 2005 study of Iowa college freshmen showed that 62% go to the Internet first when doing research and 36% never rejected a piece of information from the Internet. Students’ information-seeking behaviors and expectations have changed. Information silos aren’t a good fit for 21st century learners. Fortunately, the technology has evolved so that students can have the Google-like interface they expect to be valid, reliable information sources that teachers want them to use.

Students can use a single portal to search the school library, Heartland collections and online databases such as EBSCO, SIRS, World Book, netTrekker, etc. at the same time. Com Cat provides the single portal interface that matches student information-seeking behaviors. It is a valuable support to discovery learning, inquiry approach, focused-learning approach and personal learning. More information is available from the school teacher librarian.

To access Com Cat, go to
Click Account Login
Click Lookup and choose your school
Enter the username and password assigned to your school.