Friday, June 5, 2009

HEART Database Training Classes for 2009-2010

Classes on HEART basics for administrators and the HEART behavior module have been scheduled for the upcoming school year. The August 6th class sessions have been scheduled to try to target new administrators, allowing them to attend before the beginning-of-the-year "chaos" begins. If your district will have new administrators or others who will have a leadership/management role for the use of HEART, this is a good opportunity for them to become familiar with the system. The classes will be repeated every six to eight weeks throughout the school year, providing multiple opportunities to attend the session that fits people’s schedules and needs.

HEART Administration
This class is intended for school leaders new to HEART and those who want a refresher. In this training we will cover the use of HEART, security setup and cleanup, as well as general Q&A. This class is intended for building/district leaders who will be responsible for local implementation of HEART. Among others, this may include superintendents, principals, technology and/or curriculum coordinators, but may also include building/district clerical personnel who provide major support for HEART.

HEART Behavior Module

This training will cover the setup and operation of the behavior module as well as some discussion of its use in a building/district setting. We recommend the behavior training be attended by at least one administrator and another person who will assist with technical support (primarily building data files for import). We also encourage the school to invite members of the AEA team such as the School Psychologist and/or School Social Worker, as they may be able to assist in the implementation of the behavior module in your building/district.

If you plan to attend, please make sure to have your login information when you come to class. New login setup is handled by someone in your district and needs to be done prior to attending to avoid delaying the rest of the class.

Please feel free to pass this class information on to any others in your district that might be interested.

At this time all classes are scheduled to take place in the new computer lab in the Heartland offices in Johnston. Please register all who will be attending so that we can manage materials and space appropriately. This will also help us know who to contact if the location changes or we have to cancel a class.

If you are interested, you may register for either one or both sessions. To register, go to the Heartland Professional Development catalog on our home page or click on the link below. Copy the appropriate activity number and paste it into the search box on the registration page in the browser.

HEART Administrator Overview class (all from 8:30-11:30 a.m.)

August 6, 2009
--- AS003792111001
September 3, 2009
--- AS003792111002
October 13, 2009 --- AS003792111003
December 2, 2009 --- AS003792111004
February 1, 2010 --- AS003792111005
April 8, 2010 --- AS003792111006

HEART Behavior Module class (all from
1:00-4:00 p.m.)

August 6, 2009 --- AS003692111001
September 3, 2009 --- AS003692111002
October 13, 2009 --- AS003692111003
December 2, 2009 --- AS003692111004
February 1, 2010 --- AS003692111005
April 8, 2010 --- AS003692111006